Updates come slowly, and so does she.
I love this picture. It has nothing to do with my situation with Linda, but I still find it very sexy in an innocent way. There have been many changes since I last updated this blog and while I will try to bring most of them up to date, I cannot cover all of them.Linda and I are still together. I am still the submissive, sissy wife in most ways, but a girlfriend or best friend in others. I still do all of the cooking, cleaning, housework, shopping, and other 'wifely' duties here. In fact Linda said just the other day that she can't remember the last time she went to the grocery store.

Linda's job has blossomed as she is now in upper management with a lot of responsibilities that include travel out of state at least once a month for a week. She just returned from a trip which required her to be gone for 3 weeks. Since the first of the year she has been traveling a total of close to 10 weeks. Things will slow down some during the summer months we hope. Needless to say that much travel has been difficult for us and tends to put a strain on a marriage.
Of course the strain manifests itself first in our sexual relationship. I must confess that I haven't made love to Linda in over a year.
I'm not in chastity. It's just that our relationship has changed and the roles are different for us now. As I mentioned earlier, we are in some ways more like girlfriends now. Since I live almost full time in feminine clothing, Linda relates to me as Beverly all of the time. For me to make love to her in a traditional male/female role would seem unnatural to us.
We are both fine with this as it is just the way our lives have gone. Will it ever revert back? I'm not sure it could or if we would want it to.

I have lost a great deal of weight and toned up so I am looking better. My hair has been growing out and I wear it in a long bob style. Meghan, my stylist, has been showing me photos of hairstyles that she wants to try on me so we will continue to grow it out.

There is a lot more to tell but time doesn't allow for it now. I promise I will continue very soon.