Now that was strange! Last night Linda got a call from Darryl. As you may remember from an earlier blog entry, Darryl is an old friend and business associate of mine. I had introduced Linda to him several years ago. He lives in another state and gets back to this area a few times a year. We get together for dinner with him whenever he is here. The last time we got together I cooked the dinner and served. He commented to Linda on what a ‘good little wife’ I was. He is not aware of our WLM lifestyle, at least not that I am aware of.
He called last night when I wasn’t home and talked to Linda. She told him that I was gone on Wednesday nights and he replied that he was aware of that and had called to talk to her. She said that they talked for over an hour about things in general. She said that he hardly even asked about me. But I gathered that they had a good time talking and found plenty to talk about. Linda really didn’t go into anything too specifically other than that he brought up our last dinner together that I prepared and how he enjoyed my cooking. He asked her if I was still holding up my end as her wife, which she thought was a funny way to put it. She said that she informed him that I was even more into my role then when he was last here.
Darryl informed Linda that he will be back here before the end of the month and wants to get together. Linda told him that would be great and that she looked forward to it. She told me that looking back she realized that he didn’t really say the three of us getting together, she just assumed that. But the way he had said it could have meant that he was asking to get together with just her and not me. It has always been the three of us getting together, or at least him and me. Why would she think he was suggesting the two of them get together?
Anyway, she told him that she was sure I would be willing to fix dinner for them like before. So it looks like I have another dinner party to plan on. I will let you know how it develops.
How do you think Darryl will handle seeing Beverly? Is Darryl making a play on Linda? What does Linda want from Darryl?
Those are excellent questions phred. I am not sure how he will handle seeing me as Beverly. But my guess is, based on how he enjoyed teasing me when I served dinner before wearing a frilly apron, that he will enjoy this.
And as for the interplay between Linda and Darryl, it could be just innocent flirting or he could be taking advantage of my obvious submissiveness. Have you ever seen anything like this?
Thanks for the reply.
I have never seen anything like your situation. I have seen flirting turn to romance, but never at the expense of a mate.
Hi Bev
Do you think you would enjoy watching Linda flirt with Darryl?
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