It was one of those weekends, you know the kind… we had nothing scheduled, no place we had to be, no one dropping in, just a quiet weekend alone, the kind we all dream about but seldom experience. The only unfortunate part was that Linda had been suffering through a cold all week and her batteries need recharging. Fortunately (queue the trumpets to play a heroic cadence here), I was there to take care of her and wait on her hand and foot. She needed some TLC and I was willing to provide it.
It proved to be just what she needed and by Sunday night I could tell that she would be ready to start a new week. I fixed her favorite foods, gave her a long massage, even changed the polish on her toes. She was properly pampered, if I do say so myself.
The upside of this was that we spent almost every waking hour (as well as every sleeping hour) together that weekend. It provided us plenty of time to cuddle and converse. As much as I was into pleasing Linda, she was also making sure that I got some ‘pleasing’ out of the deal as well.
Linda insisted that I be properly prepped to perform my placating. (Ok, I will stop with the ‘p’s now.) I dressed in a cute lounging outfit consisting of knee length silk pants and strappy top. On my feet I wore princess slippers. I had a light makeup application to complete the femmy look. While serving I slipped on a pale pink hostess apron. I was the epitome of ‘sissy boy’ and Linda didn’t let me forget it, commenting on my sissy-ness throughout the weekend. At one point she took a digital photo of me, then uploaded it onto her computer. I would be willing to bet that it was attached to an email and sent to Darryl soon after.
As for the conversations that took place, one dealt with my blog. Linda informed me that she had been checking it out again.
“I saw where several people had commented on our sex life and offered suggestions on how it should be handled,” she stated. “What do you think of the suggestions that I should cut you off from having intercourse with me and that I should save that for Darryl and possibly other ‘real men’? Do you like that idea? Darryl had suggested that very thing during one of our phone conversations.”
I was shocked by her comments. I knew that she checked into my blog from time to time. I guess she has taken time to read the comments left as well. I replied that I wasn’t in favor of that idea, that I was not happy with our long abstinence that had taken place recently.
“But look at you right now,” she replied. “Why would I want to have sex with a sissyboy? I mean, you have your place and all. You have a great tongue and are wonderful at oral pleasures. But at times it is difficult to think of you as a man. You are much better at being a girlfriend. Don’t you agree?”
I could see where this was heading and I really didn’t want to go there. I reminded her of the great sex we have had, like the previous weekend. Plus I pointed out that I didn’t think either of us enjoyed going long periods of time without sexual pleasure.
“Well, maybe we each need to have local boyfriends to take care of our needs. That way we wouldn’t have to wait until Darryl and Roger can make us happy again,” Linda smiled as she rubbed the erection under my panties. Her talk and actions had turned me on, but I wasn’t happy about her idea.
So, for those of you who have made those comments and suggestions, I hope you are happy. I hope, in the future, you won’t plant any more ideas. I never know which ones Linda will grab onto. Plus I think my life is complicated enough right now that we don’t need to push things any further. You just never know when she will be reading this blog and taking ideas to heart!
There's been one last round of "bugs" going 'round here as well, along with the first of the seasons allergies as well!
I hope she's better and that you don't end up with the bug for taking care of her!
Your close takes "thinking locally and acting globally" to a whole new level...be careful!
Dear Beverly,
Margaret just left for work and as is my norm I logged on to see if you posted. The pictures hit a chord. This morning I ironed her blouse wearing my nightie and an apron after doing the dishes from an evening snack.
From husband to wife to girlfriend. I guess you should be thankful you share her bed and it isn't housemate yet.
I must say that when Linda gets something in her head she usually follows through so you have to figure that local boyfriends are a very strong possibility.
Margaret has again brought up the idea of hormones. I am trying to deflect the conversations but she also has a way of getting ideas manifested. Beverly, has Linda ever spoken to you about them. It seems to be the next logical step.
The youtube video I spoke about showing the pantied boy with the tiny budding breast posing for his lady can be found by putting riccicn in the subject box.
Thanks for posting.
Enjoy yourself,
That should be rikkicn for the video. Sorry
sounds like you're crossing that line quite nicely.
Well, it looks like you really don't like the whole idea, but i feel like its at the tip of your subconscience, trying to get out.
Would you talk about it so much if you really didn't want it?
i wouldn't look forward to anything like this, at all.
i wouldn't even mention it, ever.
Either way, no matter what happens, stay happy, and true to yourself!
Best wishes!
sorry but I think she's absolutely right - also if you think your pampering her now, wait until shes cut you off for a month or 2 or 3. If she can find a way to keep you from "cheating" she'll have you ready to do anything for her (or her boyfriends).
Sorry Bev, but having your cake and eating it too is seldom possible. Linda certainly deserves to be fucked by a real man; and you can’t really expect Her to think of you as a man when you’re dressing en femme almost all of the time, can you? Look on the bright side; being allowed to have lesbian sex with your loving wife as well as sex with a boyfriend is a privilege; it’s probably more than most sissies get.
If Linda decides to make a poll about hormones, I’d vote for them. They should make you more girlish and less inclined to “play the male”. Consider the risk of being banished from Her bed altogether if you don’t behave there!
Hye bev
I know it's difficult, i know you don't want to hear that but
you are the one who choosed to be the maid of the house, look at you now, look at all the benefits of the situation and forget about being a man anymore.
Let linda have real men and be happy if she still let you oral service her as a girlfriend.
If you stay at your place, maybe she will present you another man to date.
I hope i will live what you live.
(From Creteil France)
Linda needs and deserves 'Real Men' just like she deserves a nice girl servant at home, like you.
You will get used to her being with other men and deep down inside you know you want this for her too.
My suggestion is that you not consider hormones. Your health is number one and the angst you will suffer for her will be wonderful for the both of you. Also, she should consider chastity for you.
Nothing will make you an eager and I 'DO' mean eager friend/servant girl than chastity. Also, a boyfriend to help deflect some of your attention and energies, all under Linda's strict supervision of course.
Release once every two weeks or month should suit you nicely, if you've been 'good' that is.
“But look at you right now,” she replied. “Why would I want to have sex with a sissyboy? I mean, you have your place and all. You have a great tongue and are wonderful at oral pleasures. But at times it is difficult to think of you as a man. You are much better at being a girlfriend. Don’t you agree?”
When she's saying this to you directly, you can bank on the fact that there will be other 'real' men in her life and soon.
On the plus side though, your oral skills will become ever better developed and 'cleaning up' will not just mean around the house anymore.
Relax, enjoy the ride, let Linda enjoy it too and your marrage will still be strong, though fundamentally altered. Deep wown you knew this was where it was heading and you want it as much as she does. SO embrace it.
While I agree that heavy estrogen medication carries a risk of thrombosis, I’d like to point out that millions of women are on the pill, and millions of women are producing estrogens on their own. So if you just keep the doses low, it’s probably more dangerous to drive a car.
Dear Beverly,
I think you're "topping from the bottom". Reading your posts, it seems to be me your girlie-side loves all things girlie... if you know what I mean.
Is your fear that you'll lose Linda? I don't think she'll leave you for a "real man". Why would she? She has a wonderful wife and she can enjoy the benefits of FLR... again, if you know what I mean.
As a quote from The Rocky Horror Picture Show goes, "Give yourself over to absolute pleasure." Well, that's for both you and Linda.
PS Love the new look blog. It must your "nesting urge". All girls get them, that's why women rearrange the furniture in the living room every so often.
I thought it was clear that you are now Linda's girlfriend and maid, not her sexual partner. I don't understand why you'd be shocked by what needs to be done.
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